I was going to do a posting for each area of my yard but thought I would do one post and share multiple areas at once. My yard is still a work in progress but I have accomplished a lot in the last 6 years. That is why I share what I do. Plus inspiration can be found anywhere and I would love to think that I inspired at least one person. Even if that inspiration was from something simple like a sign or a yard sculpture.
This is the front of the house. I will be removing a couple of the bushes soon. I really don't want to but the winters were really rough on them. They are broken in the center and won't stay together anymore. I have been tying them together but I think they are finally done for.
With this picture I mainly wanted to show off my fairy. I bought her around 12 years ago (she comes in every winter) and I still think she is beautiful. I also have a sign with the house numbers on. I purchased that through a catalog called "Country Door". It is very sturdy and I am sure will last for a very long time.
This is my patio off the back of the house. I love this area. This wasn't even here when we moved in. We have since added on to it. It could still stand to be a little bigger but that might be a project for next year. I would love to add one of those outdoor brick grills too. I was looking at "This Old House" magazine and saw one in there that would look great right around where the grill currently is. Maybe someday...
Some new siding would be great too. Oh and some rain gutters on the house. I have all these ideas. I am surprised my husband hasn't taken my computer, tablet, phone, and magazines away from me. I think I would still find a way to get ideas. lol
This is new this year. I purchased this arbor at Menards on clearance. It was last years model. I was eying it up last year but didn't want to spend $400. My plan was to put a porch swing, that I have in our shed, on it but it ended up not fitting. So I bought this bench. I will probably end up moving the bench to another area and doing something different here. I am so undecided. I planted some morning glories at the base but they are still little. This is the first time I have attempted growing morning glories so I really hope they grow. I think I am going to have to let this sit this year and plan over the winter.
Here is my little shed. Can you believe I got this on clearance too??? lol No surprise there. I can't remember what the price was anymore. It was when I was working at the Home Depot and knew when things were going to be there lowest so I snatched it up. Works perfect for storing the stuff that we don't want to store in the garage. Off season stuff, etc...
The hostas that are planted along the side of the shed were all given to me. The yard art (sculptures) were from the local art fairs. I bought one last year and another one at the memorial weekend fair. They had a large variety to choose from but I was trying to keep it simple.
I have so much more to share but I am running out of time for now. My next posting will have more landscaping. Nothing spectacular but stuff that might inspire someone.
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