Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Wreath

This project was a lot of fun.  It took a few hours but I think the finished product was well worth it.
Red and White Christmas Wreath
2 rolls of red tulle
2 rolls of while tulle
1 14" Styrofoam wreath
2 bells of your choice

The total cost of this project was around $18.00.
$3.00 for each roll of tulle (2.99 x 4)
$5.00 for the Styrofoam wreath
$1.00 for the bells (I bought them at goodwill so the cost will vary depending on where you purchase them.)

I cut the pieces of tulle about 2 feet long.  The number of pieces will vary depending on how full you want it.  I tied each piece on the wreath with a double knot, switching from red to white.  I pushed them close to each other so that it was full looking.  You can adjust the length of the tulle to what you like.  You can also trim it after if you don't like the way it looks.  If you do this, be careful.  If you cut them too short you will have to untie them and replace the pieces.  Once the wreath is as full as you would like it, you can work on the bells.  I used the tulle as the bell holder.  Simply take three lengths of tulle (I used 2 red and 1 white) and tie one end together with a knot.  Then braid the tulle and tie another knot at the finished end.  It really helps if you can get someone to hold the tulle while you are braiding it so that it is nice and tight.  Then, tie the ends together and you are finished.  I was thinking this would look good with some plastic candy canes tied to one side of the wreath instead of the bells but was unable to find any that didn't look too cheap or tacky. 
I made a miniature version of this which I gave away at an ornament exchange.  I thought it was really cute.  I will share that in another post...

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