Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wreath Ornament

As mentioned in my previous post, I am sharing the wreath ornament that I made for the ornament exchange that I participated in.
I thought it turned out really cute but I am not sure it went over well.  Most all of the ornaments were store bought (which to me wasn't very special).  There were only two or three out of 27 that were homemade.  Though one store bought one I did like (which thankfully I got).  That was a metal star with bells hanging from it...

Wreath Ornament

1 solid round bangle bracelet (or something round and about that size)
Red and White tulle (I used what I had left over from the large wreath that I made.)
3 small red bells

Cut the tulle to the desired length.  Tie double knots around the bracelet.  When you have gone all the way around, take three equal lengths of tulle (2 red and 1 white) and braid them together.  I used a little ribbon to attach the bells to the braid but you could use thin wire or something similar.  I put the braid through the bracelet and tied it together at the end.  The top has a nice little poof at the end where the tulle isn't braided.  Sorry that isn't in the picture.  Sometimes I have a hard time getting just the right view.
These projects are a lot of fun!  I hope this encourages you to make some too.

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