I have so many projects that I have done that I would love to share with everyone but since I have very little time I have to share one at a time. This is one project that I had wanted to do for a long time but just kept putting it off. I thought it would have been slightly on the difficult level but was more toward the beginner level. I did enlist my husband's help to remove the boards from the pallet but it is something that just about anyone can do themselves. This is how I let him contribute to my projects even if he would rather not. lol
American Flag made from an old pallet...
There are a few things that I would have done differently. Hind sight is 20/20...
First I would have made the blue section larger with bigger stars. The other thing I would have done differently was go with a deeper red. The red I used was more of an apple red.
The picture is pretty much self explanatory but I will give you a step by step to help out a little.
First remove the boards of the pallet and place them on a flat surface and connect them with a 1x4 on the two sides. Leave a little space between the boards...
Next prime the entire surface (at least the entire front and edges).
Then take a pencil and mark where you want the stripes and the blue section.
I used stickers for the stars that I cut out with my cricut but you can also buy stars, stencil, or free hand them on. Put the stars on first and then paint the blue area. I used masking tape to mark the stripes so that they ran fairly straight. The white area is just the primer. I did not paint over that...
When you have finished painting the entire thing, take a piece of sandpaper and rough it up a little so that it looks aged.
You will need to seal it with some type of sealant. I used clear Thompson's Water seal. It is the one with the red label.
I suppose I should add that to hang it I attached a 1x4 to the top. I screwed it on both ends to the other 1x4s. That way you hang it without screwing directly to the house.
I decided to leave it on the house for the winter so we will see how it looks come spring. Only time will tell...
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